I designed a cookbook!

This semester I was in a book design class at Emerson. Our project for the entire year was to create a book of our choice, start to finish. At first, I wasn't sure what to do but it dawned upon me at some point that a cookbook would be the perfect project. I originally had a lame idea to do a modern version of a really old cookbook with funny quotes and pictures from sassy housewives. I had no inspiration design wise and wasn't into the project at all. Then one day I was on Bree Hester's blog and thought about what a beautiful cookbook it would make. I emailed her and she agreed to send me photos from her blog and gave her permission for me to start work on the book. 

I spent the entire semester on this project and in the end it turned out to be something I'm extremely proud of! I'm in the process of getting it printed to use as part of my portfolio. Bree is the reason I started this blog, her photography and love of food are spilled all over the pages of her blog. Check it out bakedbree.com

Attached is the link to my cookbook!! Let me know what you think of it, the recipes in it are fabulous! To view it, you'll have to click on the link (or copy and paste it) and download the PDF. It won't show a preview on google docs because the file is too big, but once it is downloaded you should be able to see it. I hope you all enjoy!



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